Tools and equipment for making bread
Before we introduced some small but smart gadgets in baking, today we will introduce the tools and equipment necessary for making bread.
Mixing basin
At least two mixing basins should be prepared, a large mixing basin (capacity about 2 cm or 8 cups) and a small mixing basin (capacity about 1 liter or 4 cups). In terms of size, the small basin should be able to be tightly attached into the large basin. When needed, it is convenient to put the small basin upside down in the large basin or cover the large basin upside down on the small basin.
I found that this is the most convenient way to mix dry and wet materials. In addition, in the process of dough fermentation, it can be easily covered up. I usually use stainless steel or heat-resistant glass basins. But if you choose to use a heat-resistant glass basin, take it out of the low temperature cabinet and use it, remember to wash it with warm water first, let the mixing basin warm back.
Deep baking tray
You need a cup of water placed in the deep baking tray to make steam in the oven. Before preheating the oven, place the deep baking tray at the bottom of the oven.
Baskets for fermentation
Professionals uses Baskets for fermentation are called banneton baskets. There are many different shapes and sizes, which are used for dough fermentation. Banneton baskets can shape bread and create attractive patterns and texture on bread surface. Banneton baskets are made of a variety of materials, although not absolutely necessary and tools, but they are a good investment compared to bakers who are keen on this way.
Recommendation: 100% natural and handmade rattan banneton baskets
from Tsingbuy Rattan banneton basket factory
Couche Cloth
Usually it is just a thick linen cloth, placed in a banneton basket (especially when making French baguette). The cloth has the function of supporting the dough and can also absorbs some moisture of the dough, which helps to form the bread crust. Thicker clean tea towels or bowl towels can also be used to cover the dough during dough fermentation.
Pizza stone/Baking slate
Pizza stone/Baking slate are different in materials and thicknesses. Its main purpose is for bread to be even heated during baking. When use it please note that the slate should be placed in the oven and slowly preheated in the oven. If slate is directly put into a hot oven, it may crack. Those who are keen on baking may consider buying a baking slab.
Bread shovel or pizza peel
Use this shovel to put bread/pizza into a hot oven.
Recommendation: Cordierite Baking Pizza Stone and aluminum pizza peel
From TsingbuyChina pizza tools producer
Baking tray
When making stylish cakes and pastries, you usually need more than one baking tray. You can also refer to the introduction of baking slate above. Or you can choose special tray for certain bread, such as sheet pan, baguette tray, multi-mold tray, muffin tray, Madeleine tray, donut tray etc.
Dough Scraper
Metal dough scraper can make you easily and accurately split dough, or you can use a sharp sawtooth knife, which can also bring good results. But now high quality and food safe plastic dough scrapper is more and more poplar. It is light and easy to clean, and low-cost.
Bread lame
You can just apply a very sharp knife. It's like a scalpel. Before baking bread, it's used to lightly slice on the bread surface and make cutting roads. You can also take a clean razor blade and fix it firmly on a wooden coffee stirring bar, or replace it with a very sharp knife. We recommend both professionals and novices applying professional-designed tools. It is usually good for grasp and fits well with mechanical design, which makes it more good-to-use.
Recommendation: 100% natural and handmade rattan banneton baskets
from Tsingbuy bread scoring lame manufacturer
Contact us
If you are in the market for above bakeware and baking related tools, come to us.You can get what you wnat directly from factory at a low price but high quality service.